Version 5.1 (November 5, 2024):

New statistics modules for EUDXC, ARRL-SS-CW, and ARRL-SS-SSB contests, updated several modules.

Added Fill in Column feature in LogConverter.

Added Format STX, SRX numbers, RST_SENT, RST_RCVD, and GRIDSQUARE features in LogConverter.

Added TIME_OFF=TIME_ON feature in LogConverter.

Updated Save/Convert logic in LogConverter.

Added Find All feature in LogConverter.

Updated Statistics PieChart feature in LogCalculator.

Added Cumulative Mode in LogCalculator.

Added Fill in Column feature in CabrilloDoctor.

Added ADIF Viewer tool in LogChecker.

Added Statistics feature in LogChecker.

Updated application Settings dialogs.

Updated application icons.

Updated Contest Templates library.

Fixed a few minor bugs.
Version 5.0 (March 11, 2022):

New statistics modules for CW-OPS, IG-WW-RY, RADIO-WW-RTTY, and WW-DIGI contests.

Added Check for QSO before and Duplicate QSOs features in LogConverter.

Added Fix QSO Time feature in LogConverter.

Copy lines as ADIF and CSV features in LogConverter.

Statistics PieChart feature in LogCalculator.

Move Column Left/Right features in CabrilloDoctor.

Added new Cabrillo Header options in LogChecker.

Updated Cabrillo Specification.

Updated Contest Templates library.

Fixed a few minor bugs.
Version 4.9 (June 6, 2020):

New statistics modules for DRCG-WW-RTTY, KCJ, KCJ-TOPBAND and EUHFC contests.

Added printing support for LogConverter and LogCalculator.

Improved Repair Cabrillo feature in LogChecker.

Updated Help files and Cabrillo Specification.

Updated Contest Templates library.

Fixed a few minor bugs.
Version 4.8 (December 22, 2019):

New statistics modules for DARC-XMAS, YB-DX and YBDX-80M contests.

Added support for ADIF 3.1.0 version.

Improved Excel import and export in LogConverter.

Implemented big files loading progress for LogChecker.

Updated Contest Templates library.

Updated Cabrillo Specification.

Fixed a few minor bugs.
Version 4.7 (April 14, 2019):

New statistics modules for FT8-DX, FT8-RU, HOLYLAND, and RCC-CUP contests.

Added support for ADIF 3.0.9 version.

Added Change QSO Date & Time feature in LogChecker.

Implemented loading progress visualization.

Updated Contest Templates library.

Updated Cabrillo Specification.

Fixed a few minor bugs.
Version 4.6 (May 27, 2018):

New statistics modules for BASSO-FERRARESE, MARCONI-MEMORIAL, GACW (WWSA), and PORTUGAL-DAY contests.

Added support for ADIF 3.0.8 version.

Added new styles for Common Controls.

Added Flat Icons set.

Added Save Callsign List feature for LogConverter.

Updated Contest Templates library.

Updated Cabrillo Specification.

Fixed a few minor bugs.
Version 4.5 (December 23, 2017):

New statistics modules for TMC-RTTY (Makrothen), RADIO-160, HSC, RNARS, and UN-DX contests.

Added support for ADIF 3.0.7 version.

Updated Recent Files feature.

Added ADIF filters by SUBMODE and CALL for LogConverter.

Added export to ADX format for LogConverter.

Added support for Unicode logs.

Added syntax highlighting for STF logs in LogChecker.

Updated Contest Templates library.

Updated Cabrillo Specification.

Fixed a few minor bugs.
Version 4.4 (March 19, 2017):

Added Help file for LogCalculator.

Added support for Windows 10 high DPI displays.

Updated Recent Files feature for Windows 10 compatibility.

Improved editor for extended Cabrillo Modes for LogConverter.

Fixed a few minor bugs.
Version 4.3 (February 21, 2017):

New statistics modules for UBA-PSK63-PREFIX, WFDA-CONTEST, WWPMC and GEORGIA contests; updated HELVETIA module.

Added "Convert ADIF Deprecated Modes" feature for LogConverter.

Added BAND->FREQ and FREQ->BAND features for LogConverter.

Added editor for Bands, Modes and Submodes for LogConverter.

Updated Contest Templates library.

Updated Cabrillo Specification.

Fixed a few minor bugs.
Version 4.2 (November 27, 2016):

Added Help file for LogConverter.

New statistics modules for 9A-CW, AGB-PARTY, CQ-VHF and INORC contests.

Improved import from different log formats for LogConverter.

Updated Contest Templates library.

Updated Cabrillo Specification.

Fixed a few minor bugs.
Version 4.1 (July 17, 2016):

Added Help file for Cabrillo Doctor.


Updated many contest modules.

Added "Move Row Up" and "Move Row Down" features for Cabrillo Doctor.

Updated Contest Templates library.

Updated Cabrillo Specification.

Fixed a few minor bugs.
Version 4.0 (October 18, 2015):

Added Help file for LogChecker.

New statistics modules for AEGEAN-VHF, SPAR-WFD, RUS-WW-DIGI, and RUS-WW-MM contests.

Added "Repair Cabrillo Format" feature for LogChecker.

Added "Find In Selected Column" feature for LogConverter.

Updated Contest Templates library.

Updated Cabrillo Specification.

Updated QRZLookup tool.

Fixed Check Duplication issue for LogCalculator.

Updated DXCC.dat and Master.dta.

Fixed a few minor bugs.
Version 3.9 (October 26, 2014):

New statistics modules for AFRICA-DX, ARI-SEZ, DIG-PA, DIG-QSO-PARTY, and YO-PSK31 contests.

EDI log format support.

Updated Contest Templates library.

Updated Cabrillo Specification.

Updated QRZLookup tool.

Fixed a few minor bugs.
Version 3.8 (February 19, 2014):

New statistics modules for GDBAGE-DX-TEST, RADIO-POPOV, POPOV-VHF, and REMEMBRANCE-DAY contests.

Updated Contest Templates library.

Updated Cabrillo Specification.

Updated Master Callsign database.

Updated QRZLookup tool.

Fixed a few minor bugs.
Version 3.7 (October 14, 2013):

New statistics modules for TRC-DX, POLSKA-WW-BPSK63, CQSA-CW, CQSA-SSB, CQSA-RTTY, WIA-HA and WIA-VHF-UHF contests.

SoftwareUpdater application for Contest Templates library.

Additional options to update Contest Templates online for all applications.

Updated support for several contests.

Fixed a few minor bugs.
Version 3.6 (July 27, 2013):


Template library support (easy to update in the future).

Template Maker utility to create custom, user-defined templates for contests.

Updated support for many contests.

Convert Time additional options for LogConverter.

Updated Cabrillo specification and templates.

Updated DXCC.DAT and MASTER databases.

Updated QRZLookup tool.

Fixed a few minor bugs.
Version 3.5 (July 15, 2012):

New statistics modules for ARR-PSK63, RSGB-NFD, RSGB-LOW-POWER, RSGB-SSB-FD, UR-DX-DIGI, and DIGIFEST.

Updated Cabrillo templates for RSGB contests.

Support for
ADIF 3.0 format.

Support for
ADX format, converting from ADX to ADIF and Cabrillo.

Updated Cabrillo specification and templates.

Category Helper tool for contest sponsors.

Fixed a few minor bugs.
Version 3.4 (April 15, 2012):


Cabrillo format support for UKSMG and BALTIC contests.

Search feature for Cabrillo Doctor and Log Calculator.

Cabrillo Header support for extended address entries (ADDRESS-CITY, ADDRESS-STATE-PROVINCE, ADDRESS-POSTALCODE, ADDRESS-COUNTRY)

Updated Cabrillo specification and templates.

Import RTF files feature for Log Checker.

Updated Master Callsign Database.

Updated QRZLookup tool.

Fixed a few minor bugs.
Version 3.3 (September 17, 2011):

New statistics modules for CQ-M, SCC-RTTY, and CIS-QPSK63-DX.

Updated Cabrillo support for CIS-QPSK63-DX contest.

Updated ADIF modes list.

Updated Master Callsign Database.

Save as Excel XLS file feature for LogConverter and LogCalculator.

Support for ADIF Application-defined fields APP_{PROGRAMID}_{FIELDNAME}

Updated Paper Logger tool for manual logging.

Fixed a few minor bugs.
Version 3.2 (May 18, 2011):

New statistics modules for ARI-DX, BARTG-SPRINT, and VOLTA-RTTY.

Cabrillo format support for several contests (CA-QSO-PARTY, VA-QSO-PARTY, NY-QSP-PARTY, VOLTA-RTTY, etc.).

Updated Cabrillo support for EU-PSK-DX contest.

Updated several contest statistics modules.

Updated Paper Logger tool for manual logging.

Open ADIF Filtered feature for Log Converter.

Fixed a few minor bugs.
Version 3.1 (January 22, 2011):

New statistics modules for DARC-WAEDC-CW, DARC-WAEDC-SSB, and DARC-WAEDC-RTTY.

QTC support for Log Converter and Log Calculator.

Added Paper Logger tool for manual logging.

Updated Chart utility for Log Calculator.

Updated import from Stutzerbach (*.stf) logs.

Multilevel Undo/Redo for Log Converter.

Unicode whitespaces converter utility (for MMTTY and similar).

Re-developed New Version Checker utility.

Updated DXCC.DAT database.

Fixed a few minor bugs.
Version 3.0 (November 21, 2010):

New statistics modules for EPC-UKR-DX, SARTG-RTTY, CQ-WW-RTTY, OK-DX-RTTY, and JARTS-WW-RTTY contests.

Customizable Tools menu for LogChecker.

Added MixW QTC Converter and QRZ Lookup tools.

Added import from MixW (*.all) logs.

Multilevel Undo/Redo for Cabrillo Doctor.

Multilevel Undo/Redo for Log Calculator.

Updated DXCC.DAT database.

Updated Cabrillo Specification.

Fixed a few minor bugs.
Version 2.9 (August 1, 2010):

New statistics modules for CIS-QPSK63-DX, SARL-HF-CW, SARL-HF-PHONE, SARL-VHF, and SARL-UHF contests.

Support for all SARL contests (24 contests).

Added import from Excel (*.xls) log sheets.

Ability to check callsigns in the Eurocall Callbook.

Ability to check callsigns in
FCC database (US only).

Set contest period feature for LogCalculator charting.

Add new column tool for LogConverter.

Updated Cabrillo Specification.

Fixed a few minor bugs.
Version 2.8 (March 19, 2010):

New statistics modules for RDXC (RUSSIAN DX), ES-OPEN-HF, and SP-DX contests.

Added support for ES-OPEN-HF contest (duplication check, Cabrillo format templates).

Merge ADIF feature for Log Converter.

Updated Cabrillo Specification.

Updated ADIF format to version 2.2.4.

Updated Master.dta database.

Fixed a few minor bugs.
Version 2.7 (January 10, 2010):

New statistics modules for ARRL-160, ARRL-RTTY, JT-DX (MONGOLIAN DX), and JT-DX-RTTY contests.

Updated Cabrillo format for EPC-PSK contest.

Convert Mode feature for Log Checker.

Extended options for the Split Column feature (Log Converter).

Check for Duplications feature for Log Calculator.

Fixed a few minor bugs.
Version 2.6 (September 12, 2009):

New statistics modules for OCEANIA, SAC and WAG contests.

Displaying of current caret position for Log Checker.

Fixed VHF band problems (Log Checker, Cabrillo Doctor).

Advanced sorting for Log Converter.

Added a new feature for Cabrillo Doctor: "Whitespace Cabrillo Columns".

"Reload" features for Log Converter, Log Calculator, and Cabrillo Doctor.

"Sort QSOs by Date/Time" feature for Log Converter.

Fixed a few minor bugs.
Version 2.5 (May 20, 2009):

New statistics modules for HELVETIA and RDAC contests, updated a few other.

Added new features for Log Checker: "Trim Lines", "Select" and "Insert Column" (see video

Added a new feature for Log Checker: "Align Columns" (see video

Updated edit options for Log Checker: "Convert Sent Numbers" and "Convert Received Numbers".

Added a new feature for Log Converter: "Unite Columns" (see video

Support STF (STuetzerbach Format) logs for Log Converter.

Convert logs to the Excel CSV format.

Save "bad" QSOs as an ADIF file with Log Converter.

Updated DXCC.DAT database.

Updated Cabrillo Specification.

Fixed a few minor bugs.
Version 2.4 (February 17, 2009):

New statistics modules for CWJF-MM, YU-DX, XE-RTTY, EA-PSK31, EA-RTTY, MSSTVS-PSK (RU-WW-PSK), and RSGB-160.

Added a new feature for Log Checker: "Cabrillo Columns" (see video

Added a new edit option for Log Checker: "Convert Serial Numbers".

Added new features for Cabrillo Doctor: "Trim Columns" and "Align Columns" (see video

Updated DXCC.DAT database.

Updated MASTER.DTA database.

Advanced options for the Cabrillo Header dialog.

Updated Cabrillo Specification.

Fixed a few minor bugs.
Version 2.3 (January 15, 2009):

New statistics modules for AP-SPRINT, CQ-160-CW, CQ-160-SSB, DMC-RTTY, HA-DX, REF-CW, and REF-SSB contests.

Added new features for Log Converter: "Copy Column" and "Paste Column".

Added new features for Cabrillo Doctor: "Copy Column" and "Paste Column".

Updated DXCC.DAT database.

Automatic updates for Contest Modules.

Check for a new version feature.

Additional support for CONTEST-OVERLAY of Cabrillo Header.

Updated Cabrillo Specification.

Fixed a few minor bugs.
Version 2.2 (October 24, 2008):

New statistics modules for EPC-WW-DX, LZ-DX, OK-OM-DX, JIDX-CW, and JIDX-SSB contests.

Import from DBF and MDB log files

Export results to CSV Excel file (Log Calculator).

Added new editor features for Log Converter: "Shift Row Left" and "Shift Row Right".

ADIF version 2.22 support.

Contest name and Category editor (Cabrillo Header).

"Reload Log" feature for Log Checker.

Updated Cabrillo format specification (v3.0, extended).

Additional interface improvements, Windows Vista support.

Fixed a few minor bugs.
Version 2.1 (February 1, 2008):

Drag and Drop support added to all windows.


Added new editor features for Log Converter: "Join Columns", "Combine Columns", and "Delete Rows".

Updated DXCC.DAT database.

Improved manual logging feature.

Fixed a few minor bugs.
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